It is possible to make peace with your body!
*Available for immediate download*
During this special energy pull series we focus on 3 different areas of bodies that so often create anger or frustration with your body.
One pull for each topic:
- Communion with Your Body
- Ease & Potency of Body Change
- Easement of Pain
What's Included:
- 3 Audio & Video Zoom Replays
- 3 Guided Energetic Pulls
What's Next:
- Sign Up 👉
- Subscribe to our email list (so that you will receive the replays)
- Check your email for the link to listen to & download your recordings
Energy Pulls are a great way to step into the flow of the universe and be in communion with all things.
Emails: By signing up for this class you agree to receive emails from Donnielle Carter. You can unsubscribe at anytime, however, please be aware that details to join the class online and/or to receive the recordings, information is sent via email.