Our Gift to You 🫶🏻

Turning the Molecules on WAIT with Donnielle Carter

Truly, what are you waiting for?

🙌 What You Get:

  • 20-Minute Guided Turning of the Molecules on Wait
  • Audio & Video Replays

🦄 Let's Go!

  • Enter your info & click 'Complete My Purchase'. (Make sure you subscribe to email so it can get to you)
  • Check your email for your immediate downloads
  • Enjoy the change! 

The ultimate power in this reality is the ability to change and to choose.



Emails: By signing up for this class you agree to receive emails from Donnielle Carter. You can unsubscribe at anytime, however, please be aware that details to join the class online and/or to receive the recordings, information is sent via email.