What if we don't have to try to stuff our bodies into a pre-determined image?
What would your life & body be like if you created your body from fun instead of image?
Join Donnielle as she explores what is beyond the lie of Body Image in this 3-part special series. Each call will be invites you to more and more phenomenal space with your body, and out of judgement of your body. You'll bring up the energy of three different, yet relatable, ways you use everyday occurrences to create the body you have.
Zoom No. 1:
Experiences that have created your body image
Zoom No. 2:
Triggers that make you feel bad, and make you judge yourself
Zoom No. 3:
Getting clear on what your body would like to look like
*Available for immediate download
What you'll get:
- PDF Worksheet
- Out of Judgment of Your Body
- 3 replays of the audio and video calls
What's next:
- Enter your info & click 'Complete My Purchase'. (Make sure you subscribe to email so it can get to you!) 👉
- Check your email for access to your download
Emails: By signing up for this class you agree to receive emails from Donnielle Carter. You can unsubscribe at anytime, however, please be aware that details to join the class online and/or to receive the recordings, information is sent via email.