Wave-Jacking : The Spring Cleaning Edition


Date: 16 April 2024
Time: 9:30 AM MDT
Duration: 45 minutes
Replays: YES!


Using all energies to get it done.

There are so many energies floating out there. Are you the effect of them? Don’t have to be! Does that mean we choose which ones to use to create our life, body and living? YES

As Spring is springing for a lot of the world people are starting to look around and get that energy of movement, cleaning and time to shake things up. Let’s dive in and see how we can use these energies to our advantage.

It’s time to Wave-Jack, where we consciously and with choice use energies for our creations.



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  3. Meet up at the scheduled time and get ready to join the live chat!

Hit me, or the Team, up if you need anything else!




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