About Donnielle

My journey to a life of helping others to see their gifts, obtaining the happiness, the body and the life they desire is an adventerous one.​

I spent most of my life watching others create while dreaming of making a change.  When I was a Promotion Manager for a TV station I was creating a world in which I didn't like and didn't want to be in.  


Soon after I discovered the tools of Access Consciousness & Right Body for You and everything changed.

I was able to step into Facilitating people and bodies in a way I never thought was possible.  And the best part?  It was fun!  With laughter and joy we are able to change most things.  


My Specialities

  • Life Planning
  • Communicating with Bodies
  • Seeing the Other Side of Things
  • Listening
  • Not Judging
  • Inviting YOU to YOU


What else is possible when you choose you?

ARANGE A SESSION here: [email protected]




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