When you don't give a Crap and You want to Scream!

Clarity Call
with Donnielle Carter

Have you said any of this lately?
"I don't care!"
"I'm Frustrated!"
"Why Bother?"
"I'd like to but...whatever...."
"It never works"
"Can I just stay in bed?"
"I don't give a crap"
"I want to scream"

I've heard from A LOT of people lately that they have been. 

Let's clear this crap! 

45 minute call of clearings & change

đź“… Date/Time: 31 May 2023 - your time here

  • Audio & Video Zoom Replays Included

🦄 Let's Go!

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  • Show up live or listen to the replays and enjoy the change!




Emails: By signing up for this class you agree to receive emails from Donnielle Carter. You can unsubscribe at anytime, however, please be aware that details to join the class online and/or to receive the recordings, information is sent via email. 


$20 USD

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